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Selfie is a self potrait photo. People usually selfie by using phone camera and digital camera. Selfie have been too popular by this day, people usually taking selfie to share about anything that happen around them, to raise up their.

Wefie is almost like a selfie, but wefie is capturing photo two or more people at the same fashion. Some of the people still calling the wefie as selfie.

The friend with the longest arms captures the moment. Front center, far left or right of the group are suitable positions for a perfect Wefie.
Do you know someone who takes plenty of Selfies? Invite them for a Wefie!

this is how me and my friend take a wefie

today we can see, handphone company such as sonny and samsung also make an afford to make people having fun to take a selfie or wefie by upgrading the front camera to 5 megapixel to give the best shoot to you.

Spread the word about Wefie on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ or other channels using the Hashtags #Wefiecam, #Wefie, #Wefies, and Groupselfie, and you’ll help make room for more “we” in today’s society.

for the best selfie or wefie I sudgest to take a snap with SONY XPERIA C3 that come with 5mp front camera and a flash at front.

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